Ask To See Patient (ATSP)
Asked to See the Patient (ATSP) is an HEE patient safety and peer-delivered initiative aimed at incoming Foundation Year One (FY1) doctors to support their transition from being medical students to doctors. It is delivered by out-going F1s through workshops as part of their induction week.
The workshops usually comprise role plays and discussions of illustrative cases that show how to manage common clinical scenarios encountered during out of hours shifts "on-call".
In May 2016, STFS hosted two half-day training facilitators' workshops for ATSP participants and these were conducted by Professor Paul Baker, Deputy Postgraduate Dean (Foundation Training), Health Education England North West. In addition, participating trusts have also received copies of ATSP booklets.
Additional material to support delivery of the workshops is available to download at the bottom of this page.
An app is also available and can be downloaded via the following link:
*Please note that the app currently only supports devices that run on Android software. Work is underway to adapt it for wider platforms.