STFS Trainee Representatives

2021 - 2022 Trainee Representatives

For information on your local trust representatives you should speak to your local Post Graduate team. 

Being a trainee representative

“Trainee feedback is a big watchword with the GMC and is important throughout all medical training. STFS have a great structure and process based around this, it allows the director of STFS to hear about problems being faced by individuals or the entire cohort of foundation doctors quickly and efficiently. 

Every hospital should have reps appointed for both F1 and F2 that provide feedback at a trust level, this usually solves the majority of problems faced on a day to day basis. If there's something that the trainees feel is still inadequate even after raising it locally or there is a systemic issue with training, patient safety or a problem that arises directly with the foundation school, this is something the STFS reps would take to the director.

We meet formally at board meetings several times a year and help out at different events such as the Programme Fair. You are also invited to sit on the Foundation Doctor Advisory Board which is a national panel and helps guide new curriculum changes and problems nationally with the programme as a whole."

Dr Adam Woodman-Bailey
STFS foundation doctor 2014-16

How Foundation Doctor Representatives Are Selected

STFS is keen to ensure that the views of foundation doctors are adequately represented at all of the relevant local/national meetings. During August, foundation doctors are invited to express their interest in being a representative on various committees/groups by submitting a 100 word statement explaining why they wish to take part and how they would ensure that they represented the views of their peers.